Wednesday 7 November 2012

The Drums And Paint Were Awesome

This time they offer some more various and creative forms for art and expression in a completely new, creative, and captivating way! Its ending was hilarious. There were some interesting special effects. Really a very cool experience!
It’s a story-telling, spectator’s interface musical concert. The show was a fun time. This time it was an absolute blast. Funny and enjoyable! It was a great mix of comedy and music. The drums and paint were awesome. It was a great experience for price, now even can't wait to go back!
Unique music, mix of art and comedy this musical (Blue Man Group) delight the viewer. Audience communication with the cast was great!
To watch the show at night is totally charming night out for me.  Communicate with comical facial expressions is amazing, instruments are extremely creative! Music adds elegance to the show. Synchronization and scheduling is just fantastic. Stunning light displays, humor, and incredible showmanship. Usage of alots of props, and very colorful graphics performance! An entertaining show.